4 unobvious mistakes that will make your cutlets tasteless
Cutlets are a very common dish, but not all cooks can boast that they always turn out perfect. Sometimes we unknowingly make gross mistakes that significantly reduce the quality of the meat product. What shortcomings lead to failure in the kitchen
“Bread is for saving”
Many people still believe that cooks add bread to minced meat only to save money. This is, of course, a mistake.
It is bread that will help you prepare a delicious, lush and juicy meat dish.
Chicken eggs
Cooks do not have a clear opinion on whether it is worth adding eggs to the minced meat at all. It depends on your taste preferences.
If you want the cutlets to be of decent quality, then do not overdo it: one egg per portion of cutlets will be enough.
Additional ingredients
Instead of fresh onions, you can add fried vegetables with garlic. Such cutlets will be memorable for all their taste.
If you want the dish to be even juicier, then you should add a little oil or lard to the minced meat.
Bread coating
Never forget this important detail: it is thanks to the breading that the meat achieves perfect roasting. But you can choose any product for domination – it is not critical.
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