4 Ways to Turn Your Biological Age Back – Tips You Should Try
0 < p>For centuries, mankind has been trying to figure out how to hold back the aging process in order to delay the final end of death. By preventing the natural decay of the body, we hope to increase life expectancy.
Dr. Morgan Levine is a scientist at Yale University who has four methods to reverse biological age, a calculator developed by an anti-aging specialist.
Dr. Levin says that aging is “not only a result of chronological time,” but also “the biological changes our bodies undergo.” Throughout life, the human body is exposed to numerous stresses and strains that push and pull on every cell. One of the most influential factors in all of this is a person's diet.
This is where Levine's first tip comes into play; she recommends switching to a plant-based diet in 75% of cases. The protein found in many types of meat has an anti-aging effect.
Levin's second piece of advice is to not eat at all. Three fasting cycles per year reduce biological age by two and a half years.
People who fasted also showed a “younger immune profile.”
In addition to food and fasting, exercise plays a key role ; specifically, HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training).
Just as fasting is a form of hormesis, the body is exposed to shock and improves in response to that shock.
Levin's final piece of advice: to sleep well, increase protein levels of nicotinamide deindinucleotide. To improve the type of sleep that this protein stimulates, scientists recommend fasting and exercise.
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