4 ways to use clay on a suburban area

after excavation work in the suburban area can form a whole bunch of clay. And it is not considered the most desirable guest. But it is not necessary to rush to its removal. Since ancient times, people have used a sedimentary rock in creating household items, construction, and folk medicine. It can be used today to use useful use on the site.Clay is still actively used to decorate the premises. And all thanks to such properties as environmental friendliness, inability to combustion, adsorption, cheapness.

it will create a comfortable microclimate in the home, absorbing excess moisture and turning it back in moderation. The plaster from it is shown to allergics due to the properties of absorbing toxic substances.

It can successfully decorate fireplaces, walls, chimneys. The material has the ability to crack after drying from temperature fluctuations, but adding fillers can be avoided. It will be durable and comfortable, which cannot be fully said about cement analogue.

2Clay can be used in garden affairs. It can be the first layer for a pit with compost. The raw material should be laid on the bottom, covered with organic material with a moisture property, and then create a compost pit according to standard technology. antiseptic seedlings or immerse root crops in the fall for better storage in the cellar.The slope area causes a lot of trouble to its owners. Thanks to the plastic material mixed with sand, it is quite realistic to raise the level of land, leveling the territory. To do this, it is necessary to create an embankment with clay and sand by pouring it on top with black soil.

clay can not be exported, but decorated by hiding as an object of landscape design. For example, mask it under the alpine hill.

humid clay is a great material for creativity. It is pliable and allows you to create any form.

However, the material can be destroyed over the years. Therefore, it must be mixed with gravel. The alpine slide stones will also play a role in the stability of the clay form. When watering plants is recommended to irrigate the mountain completely.

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Author: alex

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