5 ancient male names that are coming back into fashion: this is how you can name a boy
The names that our ancestors bore are becoming popular again. Parents are choosing ancient options for their sons that carry strength, history and traditions.
The name Svyatoslav is formed from the words “saint” and “glory”. In the modern world, this is the name for purposeful and persistent men who know how to achieve their goals. Svyatoslavs are very sociable, therefore they have a large circle of friends and are able to negotiate. The owners of this name love to learn and learn something new.
According to one version, this name comes from the Latin word laurus, which means “laurel” or “crowned with glory”. In ancient times, this was the name given to wise and strong men. Representatives of this name are determined and purposeful, therefore they strive to achieve heights in life. Laurels are not afraid to take responsibility and are always ready to fight difficulties.
This name has ancient Greek origins and is interpreted as “happy” or “one who is favored by luck.” Such men usually value peace of mind and stability. The owners of this name are friendly and patient. Tikhons are often a reliable support for family and friends.
This name comes from Latin and means “dedicated to Mars”. In the modern world, this is the name given to brave and courageous guys whose charisma fascinates many. Representatives of this name demonstrate leadership qualities and skillfully manage a team. In addition, Marcians are distinguished by their ability to think critically.
This name is of ancient Greek origin and means “broad-shouldered” or “spacious”. In ancient times, this was often the name given to men who had a philosophical outlook on life. Representatives of this name usually love to learn something new and are never afraid to delve into the study of complex issues. Platos can be somewhat withdrawn, but are always devoted to those they love.
What forgotten male names are successfully revived
The name Khariton is of ancient Greek origin and translates as “merciful” and “beloved”. It is often associated with mythology, namely with the Greek Charites – goddesses of charm and beauty.
At the same time, the name Elisha came to us from Ancient Greece and means “pious”. In ancient times, boys who came from Christian families were often called this way.
The name Zhdan is of Slavic origin and translates as “expected” and “anticipated”.
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