5 bad habits through which you have a back pain
get rid of these bad habits, and you feel the effect almost immediately.Mom was right: bad posture is really harmful to health. If you are cracking, your shoulders are constantly tense, which can cause spasms in the back. The painful feelings you feel are a kind of protective mechanism. In this way, your muscles make you aware that you need to change your position until you have serious problems. Try to put a rigid pillow under – it will support the natural bend of the spine and help you keep your back straight.When you constantly rest on the left or right elbow, the load is distributed unevenly, the muscles are overwhelmed, which provokes spasms. In addition, the constant load on one arm can provoke the so -called “tennis elbow syndrome” – damage to the elbow joint, which causes severe pain. To prevent this, put your hands on the armrests while working – they are created just for comfortable load distribution.
you tilt your head forward
Without noticing that, when reading, we often lean towards a monitor, a tablet, a phone. Why is it harmful? Because the head of an adult is so heavy, it can 4-5 kg. And when you lean, the load on the neck increases even more. This leads to pain in the muscles and headaches. Follow the posture and as soon as you notice that you tilt your head forward, straighten the muscles of the press and straighten your shoulders and tilt your head several times to the right and left. Did you cozy on a sofa with a good book? Take a 5-minute break every hour to stretch. And if you spend many hours in a row in the office, literally clamping your nose into the monitor, the load increases. The result is a lot, a cut, fatigue and redness. It is believed that the monitor should be 50-60 cm from the eyes. To get started, try installing it at a distance of the extended hand and after a few hours evaluate the effect of the changes. Make sure that both feet stand on the floor and the hips were just above the knees – if necessary, lift the seat of the chair.
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