5 best products for a quick and healthy dinner

Breakfast is often called the main meal, but dinner is no less important. The quality of sleep, the health of the digestive system, the recovery processes that take place in the body at night, and the morning appetite depend on it. Therefore, choosing products for dinner should be approached no less carefully. Angelique Duvall, a nutritionist, expert at the iHerb marketplace of vitamins and natural products for a healthy lifestyle, told which products are best for a healthy dinner and do not require a lot of time to prepare.

The main component of a healthy dinner

A healthy dinner is a dinner of proteins and vegetables. Eating proteins in the last meal before going to bed stimulates the processes of protein synthesis that take place in our body at night, and vegetables containing fiber are necessary for the prevention of food retention in the intestines. As a result, muscle mass increases, the amount of which directly depends on how efficiently fat is burned. Muscles are good at using energy reserves (in the form of stored fat) even at rest, so the more they are, the more we use up our reserves.

It is especially important to consume protein on days when there is a gym class, jogging or any other training scheduled in the evening. Protein, which enters the body within a few hours after the end of physical activity, will be used to restore muscles and build new muscle fibers. On such days, small portions of protein can also be consumed at night: scientists have proven that 40 g of casein half an hour before bedtime accelerates post-workout recovery and muscle protein synthesis. The main thing to remember is that we need not only protein, but also vegetables for proper digestive processes.

Sour milk cheese

Cheese is ideal for an evening meal due to its high, balanced nutritional and energy value. 100 grams of 9% fat cheese contains 16 grams of protein, and only 1.5-3 grams of carbohydrates. It also contains the essential amino acid tryptophan. It is necessary for the normal production of serotonin, with regular use of which depends on the quality of sleep.

Those who want to lose weight often choose low-fat cottage cheese, as it has more protein and fewer calories. But it is worth considering that reduced fat reduces the ability of the body to break down casein, and also significantly reduces the amount of vitamins A, E, D that we need. Calcium is absorbed worse from such cheese, and a lack of fats in the long term is fraught with dry skin, brittle hair and nails. Therefore, if it is necessary to reduce the amount of fats, it is worth additionally supporting the body with easily digestible calcium and useful omega-3 fatty acids.

Another undoubted plus of cheese is that it does not need to be cooked. It is enough to pour finely chopped greens into it, rub a fresh cucumber or finely chopped tomatoes and dinner is ready. On the day of training, you can add a little sugar or jam to the cheese, the muscles will also “eat” them. But then such a dish should be eaten during the day, not for dinner.

Green vegetables

Vegetables for dinner are always a good idea. They have a low glycemic index, which means that blood sugar will not spike after a vegetable dinner. They have few calories and only useful carbohydrates, and this allows you not to worry about the size of the portion and damage to the figure. In addition, fresh vegetables are rich in fiber, which when consumed at night stimulates intestinal peristalsis and normalizes stool.

Green vegetables are rich in such substances as carotenoids, zeaxanthin and lutein, iron, calcium, magnesium and folic acid salts.< /p>

They also have a lot of antioxidants, which are necessary for the human body. Antioxidants remove harmful substances from the body, preventing premature aging of the body.

Green vegetables for dinner are most useful fresh or steamed. It is important not to cook them for a long time, but to preserve the crispy texture, which means the vitamins and minerals we need.

Chicken or turkey

Lean poultry meat – this is practically pure protein, so you can not doubt its benefits. In addition, turkey meat is rich in tryptophan, it contains almost one and a half times more of this amino acid than in cheese.

Poultry should be boiled, stewed, baked or steamed, but not fried with a lot of oil and not covered with fatty sauces. Cooking or stewing will take a little time, which can be spent on a side dish – for example, cut fresh cucumbers, broccoli, sweet pepper with the addition of fresh greens.


Eggs are another example of a product in which everything is naturally balanced. They have a sufficient amount of protein, and healthy fats with vitamin A in the yolk, and only about 70 calories in one boiled egg. This is a light food that does not cause heaviness in the stomach and will saturate the muscles with the necessary amino acids.

It is also convenient that boiling eggs either soft or hard takes just a few minutes. You should not fry eggs in the evening – together with oil, harmful cholesterol will enter the body. Variety can be provided without frying: you can prepare dozens of different salads, omelets and sandwiches with eggs and vegetables.

Green leafy vegetables and cabbage, radish, turnips

The calorie content of fresh vegetables is low, 100 g of raw leaves contain 48 Kcal. This green vegetable contains all essential and 18 replaceable amino acids. Such cabbage may well become a substitute for regular meat, as it contains more protein than beef, and the calcium content is higher than that of dairy products.

These vegetables contain indole-3 carbinol. It has been scientifically proven that this substance stops the growth of cancer cells. Increases the activity of liver enzymes, which are responsible for detoxification of toxins, normalization of intestinal function and slows down the development of the human papilloma virus.

In general, the diet of modern city dwellers often does not have enough high-quality protein. The reasons are different: someone does not have enough time even to prepare simple foods, and someone simply does not like foods that are useful to eat in the evening. In this case, in the evening, you can support the body with protein cocktails – for example, a keto diet cocktail with a complex of useful fats, electrolytes and probiotics. This cocktail is produced under iHerb's own brand, so you can be sure of its protein quality.

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Author: alex

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