5 common myths about constipation
Constipation is a rather unpleasant condition. However, many people suffer from the problem. Almost everyone has faced constipation at least once. But not everyone knows the truth about it.
We will tell about common myths in our material. It is believed that with a small amount of water, the faeces become concentrated and cannot move to the “exit”. If you drink more, the chair will become softer.
But the experiment with different amounts of water showed that the time of passing the food lump on the gastrointestinal tract and the volume of the chair would decrease slightly. But the changes are not so critical, so the lack of water is definitely not the cause of constipation. The best treatment for constipation will be the fiber to be consumed.The fiber can increase the volume and frequency of the stool, make it denser. It promotes active intestinal peristalsis. When consuming a large amount of fiber, the time of passing food through the gastrointestinal tract will be reduced. If you reduce the amount of fiber, the annoying factor will disappear that causes the gastrointestinal tract. By logic – constipation occurs from the lack of fiber. But there is no dotted data that fiber affects the formation of chronic constipation.It is believed that physically active people are less likely to have constipation. To some extent, this is, but here to be treated with constipation is in vain. The contraction of the colon walls is associated with sleep cycles and wakefulness. That is, in healthy people, the colon sleeps in a dream, and after awakening the peristalsis increases. 80% of the contractions of this body occur during the day, going out for a peak after eating and immediately after waking up. In 25% of people, this is usually accompanied by gas discharge. But studies have shown that the daily activity of the colon in healthy and patients with people's constipation is the same and does not depend on activity.
, physical activity can reduce the risk of constipation. However, this applies only to the elderly. But numerous trials say that it simply cannot be. Also, no specific toxins that would indicate poisoning due to decay products. Yes, scientists have been able to prove that with many years of administration, laxatives change neurons that innervate the colon. But we are talking about decades of regular administration of such medicines and dosage, 18 times the daily dose. No -laxative addicted no laxatives.
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