5 common myths about diabetes
The endocrinologist debunked five popular myths about diabetes .
If you think that after being diagnosed with diabetes, you will have to say goodbye! active lifestyle, you are wrong. And this is the first myth.
“The life of a diabetic can be full. Moreover, an active lifestyle and proper nutrition play one of the key roles in the treatment process. The need to perform physical exercises is limited only by their intensity,” says the expert.
The second myth says that carbohydrates are completely prohibited in diabetes. This is not so, on the contrary, it is carbohydrates that are the main energy reserve for the body. Only fast carbohydrates, which provoke sharp jumps in blood sugar, are not recommended for diabetes.
The third misconception: if you choose the right treatment, then you can eat anything, regardless of the diagnosis. Unfortunately not. Medicines, of course, will help smooth out unpleasant symptoms, but they will not get rid of the main problem. And it is nutrition and control of blood sugar that is the main condition for maintaining balance.
The fourth myth is that you cannot get pregnant with diabetes. Given the modern possibilities of medicine, it is possible to get pregnant. But it is important to observe one condition – constant control of glucose in the blood.
And, finally, the fifth myth. Many are sure that only overweight and obese people are at risk of diabetes. In fact, everyone needs to monitor their blood sugar. Invisible visceral fat, enveloping the internal organs, can cause diabetes.
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