5 dangerous causes of numbness in the fingers
The numbness of the fingers is a common phenomenon as such is not a disease. But such numbness can signal dangerous disorders in the body, resemble doctors.
doctors have told about alarming causes that cause numbness in the fingers. One of these, according to them, is unpleasant processes in the cervical spine. These can be both muscle tension and spasms and degenerative phenomena in vertebrae and elastic tissues. One possible dangerous cause of numbness in the fingers is different abnormalities in the heart. According to doctors, such a symptom, for example, can be observed before a heart attack. If numbness in the fingers is not a short -term episodic phenomenon, it is necessary to visit a cardiologist. – specifically vitamins of group B and primarily vitamin B12. Fortunately, it is not difficult to solve this problem, it is necessary to increase the number of protein products and cereals in the diet. In this disease, blood circulation is disturbed, which is why small vessels of the extremities suffer in the first place. Therefore, it will not be superfluous when such a symptom will check your blood glucose level.
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