5 dangers of consuming energy drinks
Of course, energy drinks help if we need to achieve a short-term and powerful surge of energy. However, these drinks have a negative impact on human health.
Insomnia. Caffeine drives away sleep, and sometimes for a long period. And in energy drinks, caffeine is also combined with sugar, which can cause prolonged insomnia.
Headache. If you regularly consume energy drinks, the likelihood of severe headaches is higher than in people who do not drink at all. This is because energy drinks have different caffeine contents. A change in the caffeine level in the body can cause a headache.
Cardiac arrest. With an excess of caffeine, the load on the heart increases, which begins to contract more intensively. In extreme cases, this can cause cardiac arrest. Energy drinks are contraindicated for people with chronic cardiovascular diseases.
Anxiety disorders. Some scientists believe that with large doses of caffeinated drinks such as energy drinks, a person is more likely to have panic attacks and anxiety disorders.
Type 2 diabetes. The high sugar content in caffeinated drinks leads to temporary energy surges, but with prolonged use, this can increase the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
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