5 drinks that help you wake up
Morning is the time of day that largely depends on how you spend day. At the same time, it is not difficult to make the morning cheerful – it is enough to know which drinks help you wake up faster and get in the mood for work.
Coconut milk
This natural drink contains natural water enriched with potassium. Therefore, it perfectly quenches thirst and energizes, as well as vitamins B, C and useful trace elements. In addition, coconut milk contains fiber, necessary for metabolism, and lauric acid, which is an effective antiviral and antibacterial agent.
This healthy drink invigorates not worse than coffee. It is not by chance that Japanese green tea is a favorite product of lovers of a healthy lifestyle – it contains many antioxidants, it cleanses the body and activates metabolic processes and brain work. The substance L-theanine contained in the uterus improves mood and activates mental activity.
The invigorating properties of this drink, beloved by many, are known, but if you cook it, skillfully placing the taste accents and adding the necessary spices, then this drink will become the best in the “delicious alarm clock” category. Despite the fact that coffee has quite a few opponents, in moderate doses the drink only strengthens health and lifts the mood.
Hot chocolate
On the eve of morning frosts, many will option with hot chocolate to your liking. Among the useful substances, it contains tannin, which contributes to the removal of toxins from the body. Hot chocolate helps to concentrate, improves brain function and increases performance and stress resistance.
Whatever tea you choose for breakfast, it will be a natural energy booster. Both green and black tea have excellent tonic properties due to the caffeine they contain. The drink also enriches the body with vitamins and replenishes the water balance. And thanks to additives in the form of lemon or ginger, your morning tea will also have an anti-inflammatory effect and improve mood with a bright taste.
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