5 Essential Health Books You Should Read

Recently the whole world realized that health is the basis of the foundations, without which nothing else exists. Therefore, the topics of a conscious attitude to the body and self-care have become incredibly popular – everyone wants to live long, actively and happily. Therefore, we have compiled a list of interesting books about health that will help you do this.

“A year lived correctly. 52 steps to a healthy lifestyle”, Brett Blumenthal

5 important health books you should read

A great book for those who like a systematic approach to everything. Healthy lifestyle expert Brett Blumenthal has spent years poring over scientific research and medical evidence to compile this year-long guide to healthy habits. These are the smallest steps that can make you happier. Each week, Brett suggests introducing one habit. As a rule, something simple and, at first glance, insignificant. For example, giving up the smartphone an hour before bedtime or adding some useful product to the diet every day. You have probably heard about all these principles of healthy living before, but the meaning of the book is not just to know, but to make them a part of your life.

“Why do we sleep. The New Science of Sleep and Dreaming”, Matthew Walker

5 important health books you should read

The famous neurologist Matthew Walker has compiled the most comprehensive guide to sleep. He studied this process comprehensively and tried to convey to the reader in an accessible language why a healthy sleep is so important for preserving the cognitive functions of the brain and the youth of the entire body. It turns out that we know almost nothing about sleep! The author explains how our body adapts to sleep, what happens to the body when we sleep, where insomnia comes from, and how to make your sleep the most productive. According to Walker, modern society treats sleep with disdain, and some do not even know the basic rules of healthy sleep. Yes, yes, the book will teach you how to sleep properly! Even if you used to think you were doing it best.

The Gut and the Brain by David Perlmutter and David Perlmutter

5 important health books you should read

You may have heard that a person's immunity depends on gut health. The authors of this book went further – based on the latest research, they explained how brain activity and intestinal microflora are connected. Surprisingly, our productivity, efficiency and ability to remember depend on the latter! The book contains many interesting facts about this mysterious organ, which, in fact, controls us. You will definitely want to revise your diet according to the recommendations in the book and pay more attention to the gastrointestinal tract.

“Always on time”, Michael Breus

5 important books about health’ I, which are worth reading

The author of this book is a specialist in chronobiology, a science devoted to the cyclic processes of the body. After studying many scientific works, Breus came to the conclusion that there is an ideal time for any activity during the day. He suggests abandoning the popular theory about owls and larks, and approaching the issue more seriously. The book tells when it is better to get up, schedule important negotiations, engage in creative activities, and even take medicine. It is not necessary to change the whole regime, but some life hacks will help you to adjust the routine and significantly improve the quality of life due to the right timing.

“The Woman Code. How hormones affect your life”, Alice Witty

5 important health books you should read

Doctor Alice Witty herself once suffered from gynecological problems until did not delve into the topic of endocrinology. She discovered that hormones affect all areas of a woman's life, from sex and mood to menstrual pain and the ability to have children. In this book, she talks about the processes taking place in the female body in an accessible language and explains how to fix them. You will find not only theory, but also a step-by-step algorithm of actions – the author tells how to eat, train and change the daily routine to achieve hormonal balance. Our happiness largely depends on this!

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Author: alex

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