5 extra foods for belly fat
Consumption of certain foods can lead to the accumulation of fat in the middle part of the body and even bloating. Here are 5 such foods to avoid.
Sugar alcohols. These are sweeteners that contain about half the calories of regular sugar. They are abundant in sugar-free foods such as chewing gum, candies, and cookies. These nutrients are only partially absorbed by the body and therefore contain fewer calories per gram than regular sugar. However, sugar alcohols often cause side effects from the gastrointestinal tract, such as bloating, gas and diarrhea.
Soft drinks.Contain sugar in one form or another – corn syrup, cane juice or other liquid sweeteners. Sugar in any form can increase the size of the belly. It instantly raises the level of glucose in the blood, which leads to a surge of insulin. When this happens, the body begins to store excess sugar in the form of fat in the most convenient place – on the stomach. Soft drinks can also cause bloating.
Ice cream.Rich in sugar, which increases fat reserves in the abdomen. Ice cream is usually made from cow's milk. Therefore, people with lactose intolerance may have difficulties with its digestion and assimilation. This can lead to flatulence, bloating and even diarrhea.
Fast food. The meat used in hot dogs is loaded with saturated fat, which causes inflammation that can clog arteries, and also increase the accumulation of fat on the abdomen. The high calorie content of hot dogs can also contribute to the formation of belly fat. In addition, fast food usually contains a lot of sodium, which can increase water retention in the body.
Pasta. If you eat pasta often, you probably have a big belly. White pasta is made from white flour, which contains very little fiber, nutrients and proteins. The product is quickly digested, which, in turn, can lead to increased insulin levels, fat accumulation and, ultimately, an increased waistline. In addition, the low fiber content can quickly cause a feeling of hunger, and we will eat more than necessary
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