5 Eyes problems that cannot be ignored
Even Needless Eye problems can be a symptom of a dangerous disease! It went wrong. Harmless at first glance signs can be the first symptoms of serious illness – to prevent them in time, consult your doctor as soon as possible.We all from time to time noticed black dots in front of our eyes or colored circles – especially after stressed vision or looked at the sun. But if the black dots do not pass for a long time (or appear for no apparent reason) – be sure to consult a doctor, it can be a symptom of rupture or retinal damage. a doctor. Especially if you often have been in the sun – do not miss, these symptoms can signal the onset of melanoma!Red eyelids, dryness and burning in the eyes are a reason to see a doctor if these symptoms do not go away within 24 hours. It can be infection, conjunctivitis – and may be one of the signs of serious diseases of the internal organs (such as the thyroid gland). Be sure to consult your doctor!
visual impairment
This is a very serious symptom and it says not only that you have overloaded your eyes lately. Some other serious diseases, including some types of cancer, may also be manifested in the form of sudden impairment of vision. If you see worse, be sure to consult your doctor.
Pupil change
If the pupils (both or one) have become more or less, you should consult your doctor as soon The changing pupil can warn of stroke or report a concussion. Anyway-you don't need to ignore this symptom!
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