5 flowers to help fight weeds


these unpretentious plants will not only relieve the cottage, butterfludes. Garden.Upon tight plantings, weeds will not break through the host. Host leaves differ in variety of shapes and colors. Many varieties also bloom pale lilac flowers.

peculiarities of cultivation. Likes penumbra and moisture – it is in these conditions that hosts show their original color.

water it once a week, while trying not to get on the leaves. Casting (young)

it actively grows with a bush and forms whole lawns, displacing weeds.

From the second year, the plant will please the bright yellow flowers that are incredibly pleasing the eye. Cast caustic can be found in nature in pine forest on sandy soil, in places where there is no other grass, even on bare sand, also along railways, on sandy slopes and hoarse. golden-yellow-yellow. In April, such a plant will quickly take root and grow.

It can be applied to the creation of alpine slides as a background for stones or higher plants.

features of growing. abundant flowering. Watering it needs a very moderate and only dry summer. No feeding perennials needed.

3. Verbozil is droppled

This plant is quite aggressive towards weeds: rapidly growing, filling huge areas. Growing. When going to decorate the flowerbed with this plant, place it in the shade. It is very easily tolerated by drought, not requiring frequent irrigation. Watering once a month is enough. When the willow blooms, cut the dry leaves.

4. The violet is fragrant

gradually covered the flowerbed with a thick cover, without giving weeds to sprout from the ground. It blooms twice a season: in May-June and August-September. What is not an excuse to plant such in your garden?

peculiarities of cultivation. Make fertilizers for flowering plants twice a season. For the roots to breathe, the violet lawn must be periodically loosened and thinned.

5. Barvinok

decorating the garden with lilac flowers and juicy green leaves, periwinkle creates a dense carpet that absolutely does not pass weeds. It blooms for two to three months, starting in May.

peculiarities of cultivation. periwinkle feels great in partial shade. When planting, avoid places where groundwater is close to the surface, otherwise the roots will rot quickly. Watering the plant is needed exclusively on hot days.

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Author: alex

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