5 foods that are eaten by the longest-lived people in the world
It is believed that the most active long-lived people are in the so-called blue zones of the world. Researchers are studying their way of life, trying to find the secret of longevity. According to scientists, everything comes down to several factors: the absence of bad habits, physical activity, a positive attitude to life and proper nutrition. Regarding the latter, studies have shown that most long-lived people include five foods in their diet.
Nuts support brain and heart health – vascular system due to various useful substances in the composition. In particular, they are rich in vitamins E, B6, A, C, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, iron and useful fatty acids.
Whole grain products
Whole grain products help keep sugar under control, reduce the risk of developing diabetes, stabilize blood pressure, and are good for the intestines and cardiovascular system.
Bananas improve digestion, help with pressure problems due to the high content of potassium in the composition and relax muscles. The vitamin B6 found in the fruit helps you sleep well.
Chickpeas are high in soluble fiber and have a low glycemic index, which helps regulate blood sugar levels. blood sugar, optimizing digestion. In addition, chickpeas help balance cholesterol levels in the blood, preventing atherosclerosis, heart attacks and strokes. One study found that chickpeas also improve serum lipid levels.
Black Beans
Black beans, rich in fiber, lower cholesterol and improve health intestine. Beans contain vitamins A, B2, B3, B6 and B9, calcium, phosphorus, zinc and magnesium. Among the long-lived, black beans are considered one of the most useful products.
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