5 foods that increase appetite


Pasta made from the highest quality flour is a simple carbohydrate. In addition to extra calories, they have no nutritional value, because in the process of processing wheat is deprived of all useful elements. Simple carbohydrates saturate quickly, but just as quickly return the feeling of hunger. Give preference to durum wheat pasta, soba noodles made from buckwheat flour or shirataki made from the root of the konjac plant.

Corn Flakes

Simple carbohydrates in combination with sugar cause fluctuations in blood sugar levels and provoke a feeling of hunger. In addition, when consuming such a carbohydrate load in the morning, when the level of cortisol – a hormone that doubles the blood glucose content – is at its peak, it is more difficult for the body to metabolize sugar, which leads to a constant feeling of hunger and a desire to eat something sweet.< /p>

Diet Coke

A label that says there is no sugar in the drink is no reason to relax. Artificial sweeteners provoke an increased feeling of hunger, because they do not contain natural sugar, and the body begins to look for it “on the side”.


Despite the well-known English saying An apple a day keeps the doctor away, which means “one apple a day will help you avoid trips to the doctor”, this fruit is not so simple. Sweet apples provoke a surge of insulin in the blood, which essentially turns sugar into fat. They are quickly absorbed and make you want to snack again.

Chips and crackers

Snacks, especially salty ones, are the worst idea for snacking. In addition to the fact that these are again simple carbohydrates, they contain a large amount of salt: one pack of chips contains an average of 0.7 grams of salt with a daily norm of 5 grams for a person. And salt, in turn, retains fluid in the body, which leads to swelling and accumulation of toxins.

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Author: alex

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