5 foods that thin the blood

Cardiovascular diseases are still the number one cause of death, so it is worth thinking about their prevention, even if you are completely healthy and young now. One of the most common problems faced by millions of people is blood clotting (i.e. violation of its normal coagulation). There can be many reasons for this – from improper nutrition to serious chronic diseases and the consequences of the transferred coronavirus. The first can be easily corrected by adding some foods to the diet. Try to drink 2-2.5 liters of clean water every day. If you drink a lot of coffee or tea, increase the amount of water, caffeinated drinks contribute to the formation of fluid deficit in the body.


One of the most effective for maintaining the health of the cardiovascular system is ginger. Its root contains gingerol and polyunsaturated fatty acids in large quantities. Ginger helps to cleanse blood vessels and thin the blood, and also has a complex strengthening effect on the body.


Tomatoes are rich in vitamin C, salicylates and the powerful natural antioxidant lycopene. They prevent the appearance of blood clots, thin the blood and prevent the accumulation of harmful cholesterol in the blood vessels.


This berry is a real superfood. Blueberries are near the top of the ORAC list (an international classification that measures the antioxidant value of foods). Antioxidants strengthen the body and protect cells from damage by free radicals. And vitamins A, C and plant compounds prevent the formation of blood clots and thin the blood.

Oaty fish

Oaty fish is a source of useful substances for the health of the heart and the whole body. Regular consumption of fish ensures the prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system, thins the blood, strengthens immunity and slows down the aging process.

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Author: alex

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