5 forbidden products in the runny nose


almost every person faced with the undead, thoughts are associated with when it is over. And in order for this symptom not to persist for a very long time, we need to exclude certain foods from the diet.

dairy products. Due to the sugar, the likelihood of excessive mucus after eating finished dairy products such as cheese, butter, yogurt and ice cream is much higher. Low fat dairy products contain serum protein. This can disrupt the hormonal balance and adversely affect fertility.

soybean. However, when soybean colds are better to refrain because proteins lead to excessive mucus excretion by the body.

sweets. For a while, try to completely eliminate sweets from your diet.

caffeine drinks. Instead of these beverages, attract on water that reduces the volume of mucus and its effect on the nasal passages, as well as the respiratory tract.

nuts and seeds. cells of our body need protein for mucus production. If you suffer from excess of this mucus in the body, then some time nuts and seeds are better not to eat.

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Author: alex

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