5 habits that make us age
Family nutritionist Kateryna Markova named five habits that bring old age closer.
Everyone, especially women, wants to prolong youth and longevity as much as possible. Some factors we can influence, some are completely out of our control.
One of the habits we can change to postpone old age is taking a very hot shower.
“Hot water has a destructive effect on the skin and contributes to moisture loss, and also washes away the natural oils that protect the skin,” says the expert.
When taking a shower, prefer a temperature as close as possible to body temperature – a maximum of 40 degrees.
The position in which you usually sleep is also of great importance. Sleeping on your stomach is the most harmful to the body. Such sleep negatively affects the internal organs and the appearance of the face. In addition, the head turned to the side worsens the blood and oxygen supply to the brain. The most useful position is on your back.
A diet devoid of unsaturated fats is harmful to health and brings old age closer. They are vital for the body! Where to buy them? Generous sources are avocados, eggs, nuts. Can be used as a dietary supplement of omega-3 and omega-6.
Some of the benefits of civilization also interfere with preserving youth. For example, air conditioning, which is now in almost every apartment.
“Air conditioning contributes to premature aging of the skin and the formation of wrinkles due to overdrying of the air in the room.”
Those air conditioners that have a humidification function are harmless.
You will be surprised, but jeans that are too tight bring old age closer. And also the habit of sitting in a “leg-on-leg” position. The point is in the violation of blood circulation in the pelvic organs due to pinched vessels. As a result, both the joints and the spine suffer.
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