5 home treatment methods that are best not resorted to


even if these methods give up Doctors do not advise them in the form of self -help for a long time and acquaintances from childhood.

One of the common home treatment is the use of oils against burns. Doctors warn against such assistance because it is very dangerous. The oil in this case only increases the skin temperature, increasing tissue damage. In any burn as first aid, the skin should be cooled, for example, tap water, experts emphasize. . It will be more correct to put on a cold compress and call an ambulance if the blood does not stop for a long time.

In addition, doctors advise you to forget about such a home remedy for heartburn as soda. Soda is not suitable for the treatment of heartburn, it can lead to the development of serious complications. Although after taking the acid in the stomach really decreases, after a while acid begins to be produced with greater intensity, which threatens damage to the walls of the stomach, their inflammation and injuries.

another favorite type of home therapy in case On onions and garlic. But these remedies can also have negative effects. If you consume large quantities, due to the effects of volatiles contained in them can be affected by the cardiovascular system and mucous membranes, doctors warn. . But it's wrong! Experts note that such actions can only worsen a person's condition. By knocking it on the back, you can change the position of a foreign body in the body and achieve that a stuck fragment of food will finally clog the respiratory tract. In this case, you should not knock on your back, but apply Haymlich reception.

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Author: alex

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