5 hours of sports a week will protect against cancer

American scientists proved that only 5 hours of moderate physical activity per week reduce the risk of developing a number of tumors. Whether it's running, cycling, swimming, or just going for a brisk walk.

If you're lacking motivation to incorporate exercise into your daily routine, here's another one. The study found that there would be as many as 46,000 fewer cancers in the U.S. each year if Americans spent at least 5 hours of moderate physical activity per week, which is less than an hour per day. And it's not about going to the gym or running 10 km a day.

Moderate physical activity can include hiking, cycling, swimming, and even gardening. It is only important that a person does not sit for hours continuously on the sofa, but moves, puts his body under stress, develops muscles and trains the cardiovascular system. It strengthens immunity, which controls processes at the cellular level. Uncontrolled cell division is the main reason for the development of tumors.

It should be noted that the causes of some types of cancer, such as brain or blood tumors, have not yet been established, if the cancer is not related to genetics. But you can protect yourself from other types of malignant neoplasms, and sport is rightly called one of the most powerful and useful factors in this matter.

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Author: alex

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