5 little-known symptoms of immune system problems
Scientists are getting more and more data about exactly how immune the system works. It is all the more important for people to avoid conditions in which immunity fails.
Dry eyes. With various types of autoimmune disorders, such as lupus and rheumatoid arthritis, such symptoms as dry eyes can be observed. . Of course, it is far from always talking only about problems with immunity, but dryness should not be ignored.
Fatigue. Extreme fatigue, which is completely incompatible with the amount of work you managed to complete per day, this is a significant reason to consult a doctor. Undoubtedly, this kind of fatigue indicates some pathological problems in the body, including problems with immunity.
Moderate fever. If you have a moderately elevated temperature for weeks or even months, then this indicates a constant overload of the immune system. You should also contact a medical institution and find out the reason for this.
Roughness. Our skin is the body's first barrier against bacteria and pathogens. And the overall condition of the immune system often depends on the appearance of the skin.
Cold hands. With inflammatory processes of blood vessels associated with problems of the immune system, our fingers and toes , ears, and nose can hardly keep warm.
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