5 main advantages of onion for health

This vegetable is in every Ukrainian kitchen. Although it does not have such a therapeutic effect as garlic, onions are still very good for health.

antioxidant. Onions are saturated with plant chemicals, including flavonoids that have antioxidant and anti -inflammatory effects. They protect against chronic diseases such as diabetes and even cancer. In onion more than 25 different flavonoids and sulfur -containing substances.

heart. The use of onions reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease by reducing pressure and cholesterol.

bones. The inclusion of onions in the diet is associated with improving the mineral density of the bones. Onions are rich in antioxidants that reduce oxidative stress, which reduces the loss of bone mass. This assumption was confirmed during a study with the participation of women before and post -climate age.

intestines. It supports the health of the intestine. Untreated prebiotic fibers are used as fuel for living in our intestines of “good” bacteria that produce by -products called short -chain fatty acids. And they are important for maintaining the health and integrity of the intestine and immunity.

bacterium. It has valuable bactericidal properties against intestinal and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, as well as staphylococcus. The longer the onion is stored, the more useful it is. Of particular value is quercetin because it inhibits the growth of methicillin-resistant on Staphylococcus and Helicobacter pylori.

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Author: alex

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