5 mistakes that make buckwheat tasteless and not crumbly
It is not difficult to prepare tasteless buckwheat – it is difficult to cook tasty and crumbly porridge. This is hindered by five mistakes that some housewives do not take into account. Let's tell you how to cook buckwheat correctly.
Tip No. 1
It is important to rinse the groats from dust and debris, while simultaneously cleaning them from starch and flour dust. Without this, crumbly porridge cannot be cooked. It is even better to rinse the groats in hot water, then pour water over them, bring to a boil, drain and rinse.
Tip #2
You should not cook a small amount of groats in a large saucepan just yet. It is important that the buckwheat lies in a high layer – this way it will steam better. However, in a saucepan that is too small, the groats may burn.
In a low and wide dish, the water will evaporate quickly, and the groats will not have time to boil.
Tip #3
If you fry the washed groats in oil before cooking, the porridge will have a pleasant bitter-nutty flavor. But you cannot fry wet buckwheat – first you need to dry the groats and fry them in a dry frying pan, stirring constantly.
Now you can fry. For 250-300 g of groats, take 1-2 tbsp. l. of vegetable oil.
Tip #4
You need to pour boiling water over the buckwheat for cooking. This way the groats will warm up evenly, but they will not cook earlier. However, they will be tasty and crumbly.
Tip #5
When ready, you need to wrap the porridge in a towel and leave it to infuse for 30 minutes. During this time, it will steam well, become tasty and will not be digested.
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