5 myths about beauty that spoil health

How many traditions exist in the care of by myself You need to do one for beautiful and long hair, another for healthy teeth, and the third for nail care. However, some rules do not work at all, although people continue to believe in them and follow them. Let's find out which tips about care and beauty are nothing more than myths.

Myth #1: You need to rinse your mouth after brushing your teeth

How to rinse your mouth with water after brushing your teeth is an indispensable attribute of morning self-care. This is what our parents tell us, and we are already teaching our children this habit. However, dentists assure that this approach is absolutely wrong. Simply spit out the contents of your mouth after cleaning and go about your business. If the paste is washed off with water, the person washes off the fluoride component, which is useful for the teeth and will help protect tooth enamel from contamination, diseases, and destruction. To avoid a lot of foam, you just need to slightly wet the brush and apply a small drop, no larger than a pea.

Myth #2: hypoallergenic products are suitable for any skin type

If there is a mark “hypoallergenic” on cosmetics, this does not mean that you can buy it without looking. Usually, such products do not contain popular substances that people are allergic to, for example, alcohol. But the only substance to which people do not have a reaction is distilled water. Therefore, it is always necessary to read the composition of a cosmetic product. It should also be remembered that no matter how natural the cream or serum is, it may not always suit your skin.

Myth #3: You don't need to wash the comb

< p>Most people don't even think about it. It is believed that it is quite simple to pull out the falling hair from its surface. However, the number of bacteria and germs is such that the comb is full of them if it is not properly cared for! As a result, it all gets on your scalp and can cause dandruff and other hair problems. Therefore, you should remove the hairs after combing, once a week immerse the tool in warm water with diluted shampoo or soap, and then brush.

Myth #4: lemon juice and soda are ideal for cleaning the skin< /strong>

One of the most famous life hacks for cleaning the skin is baking soda to get rid of age spots, acne, inflammation, and lemon juice is needed to clean the skin. However, both agents are very aggressive – soda provokes dryness, premature aging, and lemon juice – rash, redness, burning, peeling.

Myth #5: rubbing the skin with ice is useful

It is believed to be one of the best types of massage with a cooling effect. It is often used to preserve the youth and beauty of the skin. However, it is not useful and even harmful. Due to the influence of cold, blood flow may be disturbed, swelling, vascular stars may appear and elasticity may be lost. It is not necessary to abuse the procedure, it is especially not recommended for people with dry and sensitive skin.

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Author: alex

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