5 myths about health benefits related to drinking water

you need to drink more water. It seems logical to state that water is vital. In the end, each individual cell in the body consists mostly of pure moisture. In the cold season, water can help with weight loss and strengthen the immune system of the mucous membranes.

However, the expert emphasizes, the benefit of health brings only a certain amount of water. An adult needs about two and a half liters of fluid every day, but he absorbs some of this volume from food. This requires a fluid rate that should be obtained daily, drops to a liter-a-half level. Drink a lot of water is harmful to health: excessive moisture leads to a decrease in sodium content in the blood, which can increase the feeling of thirst and make a person drink even more. Excess water overloads the kidneys, heart and leads to swelling of the tissues, including brain.

children need to drink more.The specialist considers the myth that it is harmful to drink water when eating. According to Krumbbe, it is the water when eating and you need to drink if necessary. According to the expert, the concentration of gastric juice acid is so significant that drinking at lunch water can not dilute it to cause harm to digestion.

you need to drink when thirst is felt. According to a nutritionist, the sense of thirst is well developed in adults of healthy people. In children, it can be poorly formed and not pronounced, and in the elderly, its mechanisms often may not work at all. If it is dark yellow, then you need to drink water-half a glass or a glass with small sips.

two glasses of water in the morning contribute to weight loss. Anya Krumbbe insists: This is a myth. She says the water stimulates digestion and compensates for fluid loss at night, but it has a very indirect attitude before weight loss. To lose weight, above all, calories should be reduced as a whole compared to the usual diet. Without fulfilling this condition, counting the water will make the water more slimmer. In order not to overload the stomach, it is really better to drink water in small portions during the day: so the body will optimally absorb and distribute water.

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Author: alex

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