5 natural ways to protect against kidney stones
kidney stones are deposits in the form of calcium formed inside these organs. Urolithiasis causes incredible pain in the form of colic, so it is better to prevent its development at all.
drink more water. Water promotes outflow of urine, and the smaller the urine exits from the body, the higher the concentration of uric acid in the kidneys. This can lead to stones. Lemonade or orange juice contains citrate, which makes these drinks another alternative to water if it is not like you for some reason.
consume calcium -rich products. And this increases the risk of kidney stones. Therefore, it will be important to rely on milk and other calcium -rich products. And this increases the likelihood of formation of oxalate stones in the kidneys.
smaller than oxalate foods. Avoiding the use of spinach, chocolate, battle, coffee and beets, you can dramatically reduce the risk of kidney stones.
less salt. And if the level of calcium in the urine grows, then the likelihood of kidney stones increases.
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