5 non-obvious signs of aging that easily betray your age

Over the years, a person's face changes noticeably . Even if there are very few wrinkles on the skin, such subtle signs of aging as stretched earlobes, flat forehead, drooping eyebrows and other details give away age. In aesthetic medicine, there is a concept of “markers of aging”. According to experts, these are the features of the appearance that can be used to determine the true age without fail. There are at least five such markers.

Stretched earlobes

Over the years, earlobes deform, stretch, and become flabby. It is not always possible to notice this in the mirror, but when communicating with people, it often falls into the eyes, due to which age ceases to be a mystery. The lobes are especially stretched in women who like to wear heavy earrings. In youth, few people think about it, but as they grow older, the situation with this part of the body becomes critical.

Smoothed philtrum of the lips

Another non-obvious sign of aging, as many people don't even think about it, is that the philtrum columns are an indicator of youth. The area between the nose and the upper lip is called the philtrum, and the two relief strips connecting the parts of the face are the columns. With age, they become less noticeable and by old age, in most cases, are completely smoothed out.

Flat forehead that has lost volume

Over time, the face loses volume, in particular, the forehead becomes flatter. Even if it doesn't have wrinkles, the loss of volume easily gives away its real age. Thin women with an underdeveloped layer of subcutaneous fat are especially prone to such an aging marker. In addition, loss of forehead volume can be the result of regular use of Botox for several years. Due to the atrophy of the subcutaneous fat layer, this area becomes flat, although completely smooth.

Dropped eyebrows, corners of the eyes and lips

Over the years, the eyebrows gradually crawl over the upper eyebrow. arc, tending downwards. As a result, the face acquires a frowning expression. Eyes and lips are also subject to age-related changes. Their corners also droop, which makes the face look tired, especially in the evening.

“Swimmed” facial contours

The main indicator of youth is a clear oval of the face, and a sharp the angle of the lower jaw strongly rejuvenates any woman. As we age, subcutaneous fat packs slide down the face, cheeks lose elasticity, a nasolabial fold appears, the lower jaw line changes, lumps and a second chin appear. In general, in young girls, the face resembles an inverted triangle, and at an older age, the top of the figure goes up, rather than down. To prevent facial contours that have “floated” or to improve an existing problem, you can do face fitness. Special exercises can make the jaw more pronounced.

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Author: alex

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