5 nutritional supplements that slow down aging

It is impossible to avoid aging, but to postpone it a little is completely. One of the main causes of premature aging is damage to body cells by free radicals and the oxidative processes they provoke. Various active substances with an antioxidant effect come to the rescue here. They protect the body from damage and significantly slow down aging. Most of these substances are contained in the body naturally or come with food, but their concentration is extremely low. We have collected for you the 5 most effective supplements that will help preserve beauty and youth.


This carotenoid gives the bright color and exquisite smell of saffron, which is often added to various dishes. However, after eating a saffron bun, you will not get the required concentration of crocin, so it is easy to buy it in the form of tablets. The substance has a powerful antioxidant effect, protects skin cells from age-related changes and retains moisture in the upper layers of the epithelium, preventing excessive dryness and, as a result, the appearance of wrinkles.


Epigallocatechin gallate, or simply EGCG, is a polyphenolic compound found in green tea. It promotes detoxification of the body, protects cells from damage, and improves the condition of the skin. In addition to its anti-aging effect, EGCG protects the cardiovascular system and helps prevent various chronic diseases.


Coenzyme Q-10 can be found in almost every antiaging cream or serum. The effectiveness of the coenzyme was proven even by a Nobel Prize laureate: it preserves the structure of elastin and collagen molecules, preventing skin aging. In addition, Q10 improves cardiovascular health and cellular energy production. By the way, regular intake of coenzyme is one of the secrets of the youth of women in Japan, and they are famous for the fact that they look almost identical at 30 and 50.


In addition to its anti-aging effect, it also regulates fat metabolism, functioning of sweat glands, nervous tissue, bone marrow and is an excellent source of sulfur. Biotin is especially good in combination with B vitamins – take them in the morning with a large glass of water, because these vitamins are water-soluble.


Astragalus plant extract has a powerful antioxidant effect and protects cells body from premature age changes. One of its main advantages over other antioxidants is its anti-stress effect. Numerous scientific studies have long established a strong connection between stress and the aging of the body. Astragalus protects both the skin from the appearance of wrinkles and the nervous system from excessive stress.

Before starting to use any nutritional supplements, be sure to consult a doctor.

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Author: alex

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