5 Plus for health from eating ordinary beetroot
ordinary cheap beetroot and sulfur, it is filled. Strengthens immunity. Among other important advantages from its use – liver improvement, normalization of pressure.
protects cells from damage.
Betanine also stimulates the liver, helping it withdraw toxins.
strengthens the immune system. The use of beets, due to its antioxidant of betanin, increases the protection of the body from infections. This effect is additionally supported by other valuable substances in beets, such as vitamin C, zinc and selenium. It is useful for colds to eat beets.
normalizes blood pressure. Useful beets ingredients prevent deposition in blood vessels, reduce blood pressure and amino acids of homocysteine ββ(high levels of homocysteine ββin the blood are associated with narrowing or blocking of arteries, atherosclerosis). It also has a positive effect on blood circulation: this effect is provided by a complex of iron, vitamins of group B and folic acid. Those suffering from anemia should eat beets regularly.
improves brain function and performance. The nitrates contained in beet are converted into nitric oxide in the body, with blood vessels expanding, more oxygen is transported and, thus, the ability to concentrate improves. In turn, beet, potassium and magnesium minerals are very useful for strengthening the muscles.
helps to lose weight. This is mainly due to the high content of water, vegetable protein and fiber in vegetables: they maintain a constant blood sugar and continue satiety.
In addition, fat burning is exacerbated by the action of beet nitrate
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