5 possible causes of unexpected hoarseness
If your voice is completely unexpected and quickly becomes hoarse, then it will be wise to visit the otolaryngologist. There are several main causes that cause changes in the tone of the voice.
colds. Cold causes swelling of vocal cords, which affects vibration and changes the voice. That is why colds often cause characteristic hoarseness.
overvoltage. teachers, sellers and some other people who are forced to speak from morning till evening, often faced with voice disorders caused by voice overload. These overloads give birth not only to fatigue but also to damage the ligaments, which is why the voice can wheeze or completely disappear.
smoking. The fact is that tobacco smoke causes irritation of vocal cords. American scientists have found that smokers have the likelihood of developing voice disorders 1.6 higher than those who do not smoke.
an allergic reaction. And as we have already mentioned above, it is one of the reasons for unexpected hoarse.
acute heart attack. Gastric acid gets into vocal cords can cause their inflammation.
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