5 principles that will immediately make you happier
Six pieces of wisdom from people who have already found their way to a strong happiness. Why do some people wake up every day with a smile when their own sky is full of clouds? The answer is simple: happiness is not what you get, but what you make of it.
1. Your body is not a temple, but an amusement park
Put an end to self-doubt, constant struggle with your own windmills and shortcomings. Your body is not a temple that you have to “work on” until you achieve perfection.
Your body is an amusement park, so enjoy the ride. Dress the way you like and eat a side of French fries if you want.
Stop forbidding yourself to do what you like.
2. Trust your personality
Life is constantly changing and your skills are growing along with your tasks. There is only one constant in your life – you. Trust your character, your way of doing things and accept your strengths and weaknesses. Make all decisions confidently against the background that you consider them correct in the current situation. Whatever happens to him in the end, you will never feel like you made the wrong decision again.
3. Happiness is not a business model
Stop planning your happiness as a goal to be achieved by achieving. Happiness is so complete and valuable precisely because this feeling cannot be created, imitated or bought artificially.
It is simply a product of relationships and feelings. So these are building blocks to work on to become happier every day.
Financial security and health are important factors, but they are not enough.
4 . Relax
Grass doesn't grow faster if you pull it. You can't always control or influence everything. Try to leave situations that are simply beyond your control. It is better to invest this energy in projects that really require action, and not block yourself with unreasonable anxieties and fears.
5. Be there for others
This does not mean that you always have to please everyone, but rather that you can also actively participate in the emotions and needs of those around you. It opens new perspectives for you, you will also learn a lot about yourself. The moment you can help others with your life experience, you realize how much you have already achieved and that you can be proud of being an example for others to follow.
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