5 problems that may occur due to strict diet

strict restrictions on food can help to lose extra pounds in the short term, but doctors are not sure Refer to the so-called yo-yo diets: it is essentially jumping from more weight to less and back. Such “swings” of the body are not only not useful, but also harmful. In addition, when we lose weight, we lose both muscles and fat, and then returns mostly fat.

Why do many after the diet gain weight back, or even more than it was? The reason is simple: the rejection of your favorite foods contributes to their return to them then, and the harmful eating habits have not gone anywhere and return to the former volume.

But the main thing is that such races are harmful to health, read a few answers for what reason.

1. Reduce sugar

This is true for almost all diets, because most of them require a decrease in carbohydrates in the diet. As a result, sugar falls to minimal values, which causes people to want more sweet and is one of the factors that provoke the development of diabetes of the second type. Unfortunately, it has been proven by research.

2. There may be heart problems

It is dangerous for literally everything: the weight of the weight itself, and the under -sustained useful substances (for example, the elimination of sweet fruits removes from the diet and potassium -rich bananas), and the ban on food for some time has a bad effect on the body. Those who have the heart and work in the best way.

3. Becomes less energy

abandoning any products or starvation equally poorly affected the level of iron in the blood, which can lead to anemia. In this condition, the body produces fewer red blood cells that tolerate oxygen from lungs to cells, and you feel constant fatigue.

4. You sleep worse. If this is combined with a deficiency, health will shake.

5. The intestine is worse

According to an incomprehensible scheme of food intake, as with the rejection of some products, the intestinal microflora changes, and not for the better. This leads to digestive and abdominal distension problems. Then it is not to worry about anything, and it will be easier to control the weight.

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Author: alex

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