5 products that are best not given to children


doctors note that these products are often purchased And they give the children themselves. Experts urge parents not to use chips, soda water, sausage, ready -made sweets for encouragement and feeding children.

chips. Crispy snacks sold in stores, focused primarily on children – crunching helps to get used to the product. In this case, chips, breadcrumbs and other “cartilage” have an extremely high content of salt and chemical ingredients, a sample of flavors, flavor enhancers, trans fats, sodium glutamate. Doctors urge parents not to give children such food.

soda water. Various “tastes” are often used by adults to encourage children for good behavior. Soft drinks – in their ranks. Meanwhile, their consumption is inseparably related to baby obesity, as well as an increased risk of cancer. Experts note: various soda water contains synthetic dyes, flavors and essences that accumulate in the child's body, deplete the pancreas and digestive organs, contributing to the development of their diseases.

sausage. And sausages are bought to save time – to make a baby for breakfast a sausage sandwich is the easiest. But the effects of constant use of processed meat in the form of sausages, sausages and sausages are evaluated by medical professionals as catastrophic. Experts remind WHO to have included sausages and sausages in the list of products with carcinogenic action.

Ready sweets. When they are consumed in the blood, glucose levels are dramatically increased, which prompts the body to throw away a lot of insulin at once. When this happens too often the cells cease to respond to insulin in a normal, healthy volume – in such conditions diabetes begins to develop. In addition, a large number of synthetic flavors in industrial sweets leads to hormonal failures and weight gain in children. .

marmalade . Products in the form of multicolored lollipops, as well as often marmalade (if it is not natural) in excess contain dyes, flavors, preservatives and other chemical ingredients. According to doctors, these substances weaken the children's immunity, disrupt the pancreas and also provoke various allergies.

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Author: alex

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