5 products that can kill us – actually
If you eat them all year long, the risk of early death will grow by 30%.
We need carbohydrates for good nutrition, without them, processes in the body are impossible – but people who are too fond of them are at risk of life. According to the results of studies, which were attended by more than 5,000 people, people who ate too many carbohydrates (more than 60% of the daily diet) have increased 30% of the risk of death over the next seven years of heart attacks or strokes. According to the results of the study, a list of carbohydrate -rich foods, which can significantly increase the risk of premature death, was compiled. Remove them from your diet – forever!
fruit juices
Only two glasses of juice a day during the year increase the risk of heart disease by almost 150% – the thing is that the juices contain a lot of fruit sugar and do not contain fiber. When you drink juice, blood sugar levels are instantly increased and decreases as quickly. It is really harmful and can shed your endocrine system and have a bad effect on heart work. Drink water, and eat the fruit just without squeezing the juice!
sweet drinks
These are perhaps the most dangerous products that you can imagine: they have many carbohydrates and many “empty” calories, and almost all of them are blood. The constant use of sweet drinks increases the risk of obesity, which in turn disrupts the heart and blood vessels, provokes hypertension and diabetes of the second type.What are the bad “treated” carbohydrates? They have virtually no fiber that help maintain a normal blood glucose and protect against sugar jumps. When choosing products, be sure to pay attention to the content of fibers and fiber – their level should not be below three grams per portion. Porridge cooked from flakes will not bring any benefit to your body, but the harm can be significant. The advice is the same as in the previous case – pay attention to the content of fiber and choose only those products where it is quite high. But unfortunately, this is the way: ready -made cereals are more harmful to our health than they help: almost all of them contain sugar syrup, sugar or fructose and chocolate paste, which has very little cocoa, but there are many “empty” calories.
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