5 products that “kill” libido
Are you planning a “hot” evening? Check the dinner menu and get rid of those products that have a bad effect on libido! But there are also anaphrosa that can seriously reduce not only libido but also potency. And if you do not want a romantic evening to end without starting, refrain from dinner containing these products and drinks.Any deep-cooked foods and high fat or fried oil, it is better to eat as rarely as possible and should be kept from their use if you have big sex plans. Saturated fats contribute to blockage of arteries, impaired blood circulation and weight gain, which in turn can provoke the development of erectile dysfunction. Avocados, nuts have a positive effect on sexual function. But those products in which many fatty acids Omega-6 (sunflower, corn and even soybean oil), as well as tracies-fats, are significantly reduced. Keep in mind when making a menu for the evening!
Kitchen salt
We all need to monitor the consumption of salt: according to WHO, most adults of developed countries regularly exceed the safe sodium levels several times. This can lead to impaired heart and blood vessels, formation of kidney stones, and reduction of libido. So give it salty if you plan an unnecessary night!
contrary to popular thought, alcohol does not contribute to good sex at all – everything goes exactly exactly the opposite. First, alcohol lowers testosterone in men and increases estrogen, which has a bad effect on sexual function. And, secondly, alcohol is a depressant and if used regularly and in large quantities, it will always lead to a significant reduction of libido. As a result, this leads to a decrease in male potency and falling libido.
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