5 products that relieve stress

Those who feel stressed often reach for unhealthy snacks like chocolate and pastries. Not the best choice! The body needs the necessary nutrients to function normally, especially during stressful times. So rely on these 5 anti-stress products.

1. Oatmeal

Oatmeal seeds contain many vitamins B1 and B3, which support the normal functioning of energy metabolism and the nervous system. The amino acid tryptophan contained in oatmeal causes the production of serotonin, also known as the hormone of happiness.

Tip: prepare porridge with nuts and fruits the night before.

2. Nuts

Everyone should have nuts in their pockets or desk drawer because they are perfect brain food! Be it peanuts or walnuts, macadamia nuts or almonds – all its varieties contain B vitamins, as well as potassium and iron, which support memory.

Nuts contain a lot of magnesium, which protects against stress. It suppresses the conduction of excitement along the nerves that cause stress and calms the nervous system.

3. Bananas

Do you often snack on a banana when you feel stressed? Then you are doing everything right. The paradise fruit is not only satisfying, but also affects the nerves (in a positive way). B vitamins, magnesium and potassium help here. Potassium, for example, is important for the transmission of muscle and nerve impulses, and also regulates blood pressure.

4. Dark chocolate

Does chocolate help with stress? Yes, but only the dark version, that is, chocolate with a high cocoa content. Tryptophan, contained in cocoa, stimulates the production of serotonin, which improves our mood. Dark chocolate contains certain antioxidants that help break down stress hormones.

5. Salmon

Fatty fish is rich in valuable protein and omega-3 fatty acids. The latter have a calming effect, reducing the level of the hormone adrenaline, which is released in the body during stress. A similar effect is also attributed to vitamin B2 contained in salmon.

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Author: alex

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