5 reasons to smile more often

A smile is considered the most common emotion on the face. According to scientists, it triggers certain processes in the brain that have a positive effect on well-being. Experts say there are several reasons to smile more often.

Smiling makes a person happier

As explained by Igea Brain and Spine neurologist Isha Gupta, smiling stimulates a chemical reaction in the brain, releasing certain hormones, including dopamine and serotonin. “Dopamine enhances our sense of happiness. The release of serotonin is associated with a reduction in stress,” she said.

A smile makes others happy

A smile is as contagious as a yawn. Studies show that it is enough to see a smiling person to start smiling yourself, writes Fit4brain.

A smile makes you reciprocate

It is no secret that a gloomy face repels, and a smile, on the contrary, attracts. Experts say that there is an attraction factor: seeing a smiling stranger, a person automatically wants to reciprocate.

A smile is more attractive than makeup

Almost 70% of people believe , that a smiling woman without makeup is more attractive than a woman with makeup but no smile. Experts attribute this to the fact that during a smile the facial muscles tighten and a person looks younger.

Smiling has a positive effect on health

Researchers from the University of Kansas found that smiling helps reduce the body's stress response and heart rate in stressful situations. Another study found a link between smiling and lower blood pressure, and another suggests that smiling leads to longevity.

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Author: alex

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