5 reasons why you wake up in the morning with headache
Headaches in the morning can have many different reasons: migraines, apnea syndrome in sleep, tooth, and alcohol. Headaches are usually caused by a certain trigger, and none of them should be underestimated. But sometimes in the unpleasant condition of a heavy head in the morning there are more serious grounds.
migraine. According to Jennifer Krigler, a doctor of the Cleveland Center, the day between the fourth and ninth o'clock in the morning is the morning migraine. In these hours, the body produces fewer endorphins and enkephalins – substances that act as natural painkillers. In addition, in the early morning hours, an increased amount of adrenaline is released. This increases blood pressure and as a result there may be headache.
night apnea syndrome. Night apnea syndrome causes people to interrupt breathing many times. Such stops of breathing in sleep are hypoxia and high pressure, in connection with which headache develops.
many studies confirm the bond of night apnea with strokes, heart attacks, hypertension, heartbeat, atrial fibrillation. It is difficult to determine on your own, but its characteristic is fatigue, which is felt despite a long sleep.Gnashing teeth in a dream can lead to tension in the temporomandibular joints that connect the lower jaw with the skull near the ear. Most often, this feature remains implicit for humans, and it can have many negative health effects. For example, this can lead to changes in the position of the jaw and tension that can cause headache.
alcohol consumption. Alcohol contains compounds that can adversely interact with the neurotransmitter in the brain and cause headaches or even migraines. In addition, alcohol is a diuretic and promotes dehydration acting as an additional headache factor.
a serious illness. People with brain tumors often wake up with headache early in the morning, as at this time the pressure of cerebrospinal fluid reaches the highest rates. There is swelling that affects the brain – in response, a headache develops.
Brain tumor is a rare cause of headache in the morning. Symptoms such as vision or equilibrium problems, drowsiness, changes in the state of the mind also allow you to suspect tumors. But if this happens regularly, be sure to consult your doctor to find out the cause of this symptom.
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