5 seasonings from the diet of long-lived people

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Scientists do not exclude that herbs may be associated with increased life expectancy, because they are included in the diet of residents of the so-called blue zone (Ikaria, Okinawa, Sardinia, Nicoya), who are known for their longevity. Five spices are especially popular among them.



Oregano is also abundant antioxidants and substances that can prevent cell damage by neutralizing free radicals that cause inflammation. During the study, it was found that oregano is effective against 23 types of bacteria.



Cilantro is considered a traditional spice in the Nicoya Peninsula of Costa Rica. It contains many antioxidants and has been shown to fight inflammation and reduce the risk of certain chronic diseases, especially heart disease.


For centuries it has been known to that garlic has medicinal properties. The plant is a staple food in all regions of the blue zone, especially in Okinawa. “Garlic has repeatedly proven its ability to strengthen the immune system and fight colds. In addition, it lowers blood pressure and LDL cholesterol,” said Dr. Ilise Shapiro. In one study, garlic extract (600 mg to 1,500 mg) was shown to be as effective in lowering blood pressure as the drug atenolol.

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Author: alex

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