5 “Secrets” raising currant yields
currant can be called a “folk” berry that grows in many on many on many on plot. But few of the owners are actually satisfied with the harvest. Currant only seems to be a plant that does not require care. There are 5 tricks that will help to significantly increase the yield.
Timely watering
many gardeners are accustomed to the fact that currants do not require watering. Usually, it is enough to perform this procedure only 3 times a season, but there are features.
plants need moisture when shooting shoots. If the humidity is not enough, the number of shoots will start to decrease.
The second time watering is performed during the appearance of berries. If during these periods the land is dry, there is no reason to expect a good harvest. The third watering is performed when harvesting, and it is this stage that almost all gardeners ignore. It is important to achieve good humidity. It is recommended to make grooves with a depth of 10 centimeters before watering a circuit.Many gardeners completely forget about feeding. It is a false impression that the currant can safely do without fertilizers. There is a logic in this, but the lack of fertilizers will directly affect the crop.
it is recommended to feed 2 times a season. The first feeding is made during the appearance of the ties, the second – after fruiting. When applying fertilizers in any case, you can not water the center itself. It is important to make grooves around the bush.
It is best to feed phosphorus-potassium fertilizers, and you can apply potassium sulfate or superphosphate. The water should be warm. Some use ash per 500 g per bush.
The main problem for growth is dry soil. To avoid this, you can mulch. For mulch you can use:
- peat.
- sawdust.
- straw.
- newspapers. OL>
If mulch is used, it is important to keep in mind the preventive treatment of bedbugs and other small pests. In mulch, they can actively develop, respectively, tightening the fight.There are varieties of currant that are not able to withstand severe frosts. With prolonged frosts, buds can freeze, which will have a negative effect on the fruiting currants.
well, if a lot of snow fell in winter. In this case, the currant will be protected naturally. In all other cases, care should be taken to protect against frost. To protect against severe frosts, the bushes can be sprayed with water or smoke. Currant is demanding for pollination. You can add a tablespoon of honey to a liter of water. This technique can also be applied to other fruit trees on the site. > Hyacinth.
- peonies.
- Helenium and others. >
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