5 serious diseases that are literally reflected in our eyes
Regular Ophthalmologist Review Early diagnosis of truly serious illnesses!
If you are watching your health, you should not forget to undergo complete medical examination once a year – and be sure to visit an ophthalmologist. Because not only your possible vision difficulties but also the first signs of serious illnesses are displayed in the eyes. The sense of saving your life: changes in the field of view can help in the early diagnosis of brain tumors, bleeding in the retina will warn of leukemia, and changes The iris will be reported to melanoma – which is capable of affecting not only the skin but also the eyes. So be sure to have a preventive examination with an ophthalmologist, at least once a year!
One of the early symptoms of diabetes of the second type is slight bleeding in the retina. Often, they appear much earlier than other symptoms – for example, constant thirst, weakness and fatigue – and if you pay attention to them in time, you can stop the development of the disease simply by changing your lifestyle and the usual diet.
Hypertension and heart disease
Several studies conducted in recent years by experts from Europe and the United States have confirmed the link between narrowing of small blood vessels in the retina and heart disease. In addition, the same signs can indicate the onset of hypertension – and this is the case when there is a chance to take action in a timely manner and stop the development of the disease. Do not miss!
multiple sclerosis
Optical neuritis – inflammation of the optic nerve – occurs in 75% of patients suffering from multiple sclerosis and can be considered a harbinger of the disease. Of course, this diagnosis does not mean that you are exactly patients with multiple sclerosis, but at least this is a reason to consult a neurologist and have a thorough examination. > Dry eye syndrome is the most common ophthalmic symptom of rheumatoid arthritis, however, certain Each of the patient with rheumatoid arthritis is experiencing difficulty vision. The fact is that inflammatory chemicals, which are especially many in the body of people with arthritis, sooner or later migrate into the eyeball and cause certain problems with vision.
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