5 signs on the face indicating a shortage of vital substances
Dry skin, cracks in the corners of the mouth or swollen eyes. Dermatologist Yael Adler (Germany) told this.
“Our skin and face are traitors. They invariably respond to various problems in the body. Looking in the mirror, we can say how overworked we are or that we lack important vitamins and minerals, ”says Dr. Adler.The so -called zabids can occur on the background of zinc, iron or vitamin B12 deficiency. Such cracks are often prone vegetarians or vegans whose body does not receive meat, fish and dairy products.
pale skin. This may be to blame for meat, in women – severe lunar bleeding.
increased dryness of the skin. Biotin is found in bananas, peanuts, beef liver or oatmeal. Biologically active additives with biotin are also useful for hair, notes Yal Adler.
inflammation, acne. Accordingly, in the form of therapy should be as often as possible in the sun, eat fatty fish, flax seeds, useful fats.
sagging of the skin. Silicon is found in potatoes, vegetables and grains, and amino acids – in meat, nuts, oatmeal.
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