5 signs that help you recognize a psychopath in communication
Psychopathy, which makes people very cruel, can be recognized by some signs. Psychopaths, according to scientists, can seem charming and romantic.
Scientists from the University of British Columbia have shared in the press recommendations on how to identify psychopaths in communication with unfamiliar people. Psychopathy is a syndrome that manifests itself as a consequence of peculiarities in the physiology of the brain. Psychopaths are characterized by heartlessness, inability to empathize and repent, they often commit very cruel acts.
Many people think that psychopaths are rare, but according to statistics, one in every 100 people has psychopathology. Psychopaths come in different types, but at the initial stage they are all able to adapt well to social conditions. It can be really difficult to recognize them at such a moment. What are the signs that they give out?
The desire to dominate. In a conversation, such people often interrupt and prove their rightness to the last. In relationships, they strive to surpass their significant other and hinder her success, demotivate, critically evaluate activities, and instill complexes with statements about appearance.
Absolutely invisible.This is the other side of the coin. Psychopaths are able to blend in so well with the general population that it can be difficult to give them a specific description.
Flattery. Psychopaths can flatter, even seek out – they are ready to use any methods of seduction to please. Beautiful, sublime speeches that touch the soul and inspire trust are their strong point. Psychopaths are great at putting dust in people’s eyes, they can do it very elegantly. But at the same time, they are excessively jealous, both in love, in friendship and in business.
Pathologically deceitful. People with an unbalanced psyche in many cases lie constantly – both for their own benefit and without it. Most often, they are not aware of their deception. Thanks to this limit, they can achieve their goals faster than others.
They do not control their anger. Psychopaths have the hardest time controlling their emotions, so from time to time their anger overflows, they shout and insult those around them. Many psychopaths react excessively emotionally to the refusal to fulfill their requests.
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