5 signs that it's time to pay attention to the liver
Dr. Berg listed signs that indirectly indicate that everything is not well with your liver.
The liver does not hurt, and this is the main difficulty. Many patients do not notice their diseases for too long, ignore them, losing precious time.
“The liver is a large and important organ. It has about 500 different functions. Here are the most important ones: filtration and detoxification – it cleanses the body of poisons, chemicals, and toxins. Digestion – participates in the exchange of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Cholesterol production is necessary for building hormones and cells,” says the expert.
In addition, the liver produces bile, which is necessary for digesting food and neutralizing microbes.
By eating improperly and abusing with bad habits, we destroy our liver, prevent it from fully performing its important functions for the body.
The danger of this destructive action is that it may appear too late, when the destruction is already irreversible.
Here are the signs that indicate liver dysfunction:
- A bulging round stomach,
- Pain in the right arm, shoulder, scapula,
- Swelling stomach,
- White coating on the tongue, bitterness in the mouth,
- Skin problems: rashes, vascular stars.
However, the liver is a unique organ , and it is able to recover if the appropriate conditions are created for it. The terms of recovery are individual for everyone, depending on this, as well as the stage of destruction the organ is in. In the best case – it is a few months, in the worst case – a few years.
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