5 Signs You're Eating Too Few Carbohydrates
Those who want to lose weight, often exclude supposedly “bad” carbohydrates from their diet. However, nutrition expert Daniela Krell knows that they are very important for health and well-being.
Unlike proteins and fats, our bodies can produce carbohydrates on their own. So nutrients are not vital to us.
Daniela Krell, a nutrition expert at the Bavarian Consumer Center, warns:
“This does not mean that we should exclude foods rich in carbohydrates from our diet. Since they contain important fiber and vitamins, the glucose contained in them also supports the blood sugar level. Deficiency affects our well-being.
5 signs of carbohydrate deficiency
- Fatigue and weakness: if the body lacks glucose, it lacks the most important source of energy. Blood sugar levels drop, we feel tired and weak.
- Sugar cravings: Unstable blood sugar levels cause us to crave food. Then the body quickly needs a lot of carbohydrates, we crave sweets.
- Bad breath: if the body does not have enough carbohydrates, it begins to convert fat reserves into carbohydrates. Then he is in a state of ketosis and secretes ketones, that is, chemical compounds, through the mouth. Bad breath occurs.
- Constipation: Unlike foods high in fat and protein, foods rich in carbohydrates are usually high in fiber. It is necessary for normal digestion. If the body does not have enough fiber, constipation occurs.
- Headaches and lack of concentration: to supply the brain with energy, we need glucose. Without it, we often cannot concentrate. In addition, a drop in blood sugar often leads to headaches.
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