5 things that should not be in the bedroom – and why
0 < p>Experts advise not to keep things in the bedroom that contribute to nervous tension or negative emotions and ultimately have a bad effect on sleep.
Books. There should not be many books in the bedroom. It is still impossible to read a large number of books in the near future – it creates stress, especially unconsciously. It is better to keep one or two books by the bed and read them. The same applies to magazines – it is better to leave only the most relevant ones. Old ones can be disposed of or moved to another room.
Desk.A desk in the bedroom? It is better for him to find another place. When our things associated with work are next to the bed, we cannot sleep peacefully. By the way, this applies not only to the table, but also to where your laptop stays. Experts advise not to keep it on the bedside table. All your working tools and attributes should be kept in another room (or, alternatively, in a closet).
Sports equipment. Dumbbells or a home exercise machine also have no place in the bedroom. If you train in this room, your brain will not perceive it as a place to calm down and relax.
Anything that scares or upsets you. There should also be no objects in the bedroom that make you feel uncomfortable when you look at them. In order not to suffer from problems falling asleep or bad, restless sleep, you must associate the place where you sleep with something positive, carefree – with something that brings rest and peace. Therefore, there should be no things in the bedroom that interfere with this.
Things scattered in a disorderly manner. Many people are lazy or think it is pointless to neatly fold clothes or put things in the closet every day. As a result, the surfaces in the room begin to be covered with wardrobe items and more. But clutter in the bedroom should be avoided to be able to sleep in a peaceful environment. Spend at least five minutes before bed each night cleaning your room. Or get a nice basket with a lid that you can throw things in if you need to put something away quickly when you don't want to. You can take it apart in your free time or on weekends, and before that there will be no chaos in the bedroom.
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