5 things that you can't lend even to relatives: with them you will give luck and happiness
Old people have omens for literally all occasions in life. Even for such cases when you lend your things to someone. And nothing good, they say, comes from this.
The situation “a neighbor dropped by for salt” has long been associated exclusively with episodes from Soviet films. But suddenly the neighbor will really run out of salt, it is better to refuse. According to popular belief, salt accumulates energy. This means that she can be spoken to (for illness, failure, etc.) when paying off a debt. In addition, it is believed that to borrow salt means to doom oneself to pennilessness.
The chances that your neighbors will run out of bread and come to you are much higher. And how can you refuse them? If it happened before sunset, you can share. Just don't pass it over the threshold – family well-being will leave the house. And don't give away the last piece – poverty will come to the house. If you borrow bread after sunset, expect trouble – illness, failure, trouble.
Our ancestors believed that dishes accumulate a lot of energy. This means that their appearance or disappearance leads to an imbalance of forces in the house. Therefore, they were wary of taking someone else's things (this could bring misfortune and poverty to another person), and they did not like to give their own (this could deprive them of well-being). By the way, literally every item in the kitchen had its own symbolic meaning. Taking someone else's cup meant bringing a rival into the house, a glass meant having health problems, a plate meant experiencing financial difficulties.
He also absorbs the owner's energy. And so, our grandparents were convinced that it is easy to make a person jealous because of it: you give your friend a dress for a party, and you get a lot of problems in return. Or maybe people were just afraid of catching some disease from the person to whom they gave their things, and invented all kinds of legends? Now we won't know.
Despite the fact that the dirty work is now done by vacuum cleaners or robot vacuum cleaners, there is a broom in every home. His task is to clean the house. When we lend it to someone, it is as if we leave the home without protection, without armor. The family becomes vulnerable – troubles pour in from all sides. Therefore, no brooms “for rent”! Old people don't even advise throwing them away (when the broom has completely “worn out”), because someone can pick it up. It is better, they say, to burn it – it is more reliable.
If it suddenly happened – you had to borrow your own or take someone else's – it will not be superfluous to wait a little, experts advise. Do this before giving away or immediately after receiving the item to neutralize the energy. Place it in front of you, light a candle next to it, close your eyes and imagine a stream of energy (like smoke) coming out of this thing. Visualize how you gather it into a ball and breathe it into yourself (if you give the thing) or blow it out (if you take it away). After such manipulations, you can not be afraid at night.
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