5 things to throw out of the kitchen for Chinese New Year: do it today

Chinese New Year is celebrated on January 29. Officially, the symbol of the year on this day is the Green Wood Snake.

To attract auspicious events to life, it is worth cleaning up your home and throwing out things from the kitchen that you have not used for a long time.

To keep your home tidy and clean, it is recommended to symbolically get rid of unnecessary things during the Chinese New Year.

Old plastic containers

Do not keep old and worn-out plastic containers at home. They have an unsightly appearance and also pose a health risk. Heating food in old plastic containers carries the risk of harmful chemicals getting inside the food. Containers are inexpensive and available, so it is better to buy new ones.

Cracked cups and plates

It is better not to store cracked plates and cups in the kitchen. This looks unsightly, and cracked dishes can also be dangerous. When pouring something into a cup or plate, you risk breaking it under the influence of heat and getting burned. In addition, according to signs, cracks in dishes bring bad events into life, so you should get rid of them.

Expired spices

Go through all the spices you use and look at the expiration date. If you find any, throw them away. They have lost their aroma, so they are no longer suitable for cooking.

Old kitchen towels

Kitchen towels that you have been using for a long time should be thrown away. Due to prolonged use, bacteria and unpleasant odors accumulate on them. Leave old towels for rags and buy new ones instead.

Dull knives

You should not use dull knives, as they can easily cut you. If your knives cannot be sharpened or are of poor quality, then consider buying new ones that will cut well and will not make your life difficult while cooking.

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Author: alex

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